Heck Reset

A customizable reset that makes it easy to choose your own opinionated styles!

Purpose & Methods

This project takes inspiration from a blog article on bitsofcode that discusses the purpose of a CSS Reset. The article claims that a CSS Reset has 3 goals:

  1. Correct user agent style errors (Like IE)
  2. Undo inconsistent opinionated user agent styles
  3. Create a consistent opinionated style base

Heck Reset solves points 1 and 2 with a modified version of Normalize.css, Marx.css, and Sanitize.css.

To solve point 3, it uses customizable !default SCSS variables.


To use this reset, you have several options.

  1. You can download the dist/css/heck-reset.css file and <link> it in your HTML.
    • Cannot customize at all. This will only give you Heck-Reset’s default styles.
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="heck-reset.css">
  2. You can include the SCSS in your project.
    • You can customize the reset by creating a variable override file and including it before Heck-Reset.
      1. Create a variable override file.
          // variable overrides scss file
          $link-color: #7777ff;
      2. Include heck-reset.scss and variable-overrides in your project.
          // Your Project's SCSS
          import 'variable-overrides';
          import 'heck-reset.scss';
      3. Now you’ve got custom styles!

Demo / Testing

Check out the default demo here (Test HTML page from jkorpela.fi)

Special Thanks